Friday 4 November 2016


L O S  C O L O R E S  

During October we were talking about colors and it was incredible fun.

We make some experiments by mixing primary colors (amarillo, azul and rojo) to discover secondary colors (verde, naranja and morado).

Also was a good excuse to get messy finding the power of blanco and how can change colors to make them lighter like: negro – gris and rojo - rosado.

And finally was the moment to talk about otoño (fall) and the incredible colors that we can see during this season (café, amarillo, naranja and rojo).

Definitely was a busy month with all the activities, books, songs and some videos that we used to learn.

I hope you had fun doing the homework with your child. Thanks again for your support with the Spanish program.

This link has a song that can give you some help if you want to keep practicing:

Hasta la próxima,

Señora Romero



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