Monday 24 February 2020


The Shapes- Les formes géométriques
November was a very busy and interesting month for our “Petits Français”. During the month of November, the main focus of the French classes has been “Les formes géométriques” (The Shapes). This being said, like always, we review what we have already learned, colours and numbers. To learn about the shapes we did a few different and interesting activities. We started off with a “Shape Roll and Hop” where the children rolled the shape dice and hopped to the matching shape. We also had a day where we did “Shape Stations”, where 3 different activities were offered (Shape Bean Bag Toss, Button Shapes Sorting, and Geometric Images) and the children had the opportunity to rotate and try all 3. We also did a “Sensory Bin Shape Sorting”, where the children dug in the rice to find the shapes they then sorted. Finally, we played “Shape Bingo”.  It was a lot of fun but also very educational. There was a special emphasis in relating the shapes the children studied to real life objects. For the Kindergartens, we took things further and started learning about how to describe the shapes in French (How many sides? What colour is it?). All in all, the children really enjoyed the month of November and have learned a lot of new French vocabulary. I am excited for all the fun things planned for December.
Main shapes:


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