Monday 24 February 2020


L’hiver…. Winter
The month of December was very busy and interesting for our “Petits Français”. In fact, the overall theme for the month was “L’hiver” (winter). In class, we looked at the different winter clothing we wear outside, the winter activities and sports that we do in the snow and we learned about the different winter holidays. We learned through various hands-on materials such as memory games, sensory bins, matching activities and different winter objects. We also reviewed the topics from the previous months to keep everything fresh in our minds. For example, we reviewed the numbers with snowflake counters.  It was a short, but fun month and we will keep building on this new knowledge throughout the rest of the year.
I wish you all a wonderful winter break and I look forward to the New Year! Joyeuses fêtes à tous!


Wow! We are at the end of the year, but we were learning and practicing as much as possible. This is what we’ve been doing:
➢ Colouring the G and F clef
➢ Listening and reading the story of the nutcracker and mole music
➢ The meaning of an orchestra and what does a conductor do
➢ Listening games with rhythmic instruments
➢ Practicing the recorder and tone bar
➢ Listening the nutcracker suite op 71, Tchaikovsky
Attaching links for your children:
Merry Christmas and have a wonderful 2020!
Music Teacher



Usually when you think on shapes you use to consider more a math (geometry) area which is not a mistake but what I like in Montessori is that we look at shapes as a sensorial activity.

Thats why I brought for the class the geometry shapes from the Geometry Cabinet, material that they are familiar with in their classroom, and that is why they were able to match the information with the new vocabulary in Spanish. This material was use to identify and name but also later to work with games as: What is missing ? and The secret bag.

Then moving more into the abstract a matching game was use, with the addition of a coupe of shapes that even they are not geometric they are part of their daily vocabulary.

This is the vocabulary that we are learning:

Circulo     Cuadrado    Triangulo    Ovalo        Rectángulo         Rombo
Estrella     Corazón     Luna

As usual we use songs to practice


The Shapes- Les formes géométriques
November was a very busy and interesting month for our “Petits Français”. During the month of November, the main focus of the French classes has been “Les formes géométriques” (The Shapes). This being said, like always, we review what we have already learned, colours and numbers. To learn about the shapes we did a few different and interesting activities. We started off with a “Shape Roll and Hop” where the children rolled the shape dice and hopped to the matching shape. We also had a day where we did “Shape Stations”, where 3 different activities were offered (Shape Bean Bag Toss, Button Shapes Sorting, and Geometric Images) and the children had the opportunity to rotate and try all 3. We also did a “Sensory Bin Shape Sorting”, where the children dug in the rice to find the shapes they then sorted. Finally, we played “Shape Bingo”.  It was a lot of fun but also very educational. There was a special emphasis in relating the shapes the children studied to real life objects. For the Kindergartens, we took things further and started learning about how to describe the shapes in French (How many sides? What colour is it?). All in all, the children really enjoyed the month of November and have learned a lot of new French vocabulary. I am excited for all the fun things planned for December.
Main shapes:


November was a fun month in music, we practice some areas and we learnt new things:
• Dynamics (intensity) loud, soft, medium, getting louder/softer
• Steady Beat vs Non Steady beat
• Hand signs (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti)
• Pitch (high, low)
• Handbells
• Montessori bells
• Tone Bar
This is the song they were practicing at school and also you can sing and listen with your child:
• Do, re, mi Do, re, mi – from the sound of music – with lyrics and hand signs
Attach some links that you can join with your children:
Music Teacher
Miss Slim