Tuesday 19 November 2019


Los colores

I’m always excited when is time to talk about colors because the tools that can be used to practice and learn them are everywhere.

And this time science experiments help us to understand the concepts of primary and secondary colors  because we made a walking rainbow, also with paint we discover the power of blanco (white) and how to made everything lighter and even that we can create gris (grey) and rosado (pink) finally also we use reflection to create un arco iris (rainbow) in the classroom.

To reinforce the vocabulary Color box #2 of the Montessori material was a great idea because we where able to clarify and match.

Also looking for different approaches some materials from P.E class were borrowed to have fun and to worked on hand eye coordination while we named the colors.

Finally is  time to sing to practice the new vocabulary:

amarillo         verde            rosado        blanco
azul             morado            gris        negro
rojo             naranja            café



October means cold weather, wind and chill days, but doesn't mean that we are going to stop doing exercises. This month at P.E class the children started doing more endurance activities. Winter sports like Hockey are going to be introduce in order to get more hand and eye coordination and of course have fun. 

Every week we work hard to get better balance by holding some postures or by walking in the balance beam,  because having good balance is important for many daily activities  for the children, like simple walking  or going up and down the stairs , but in this case also is an activity that looks to help those children that are practicing ice skate,  ski or snow boarding.


October has been a month of practice of :
• Dynamics (intensity) loud, soft, medium, getting louder/softer
• Steady Beat
• Music Notation (Music staff, G clef, do re mi fa sol la ti do, quarter notes and half notes)
• Pitch (high, low)
• Handbells
• Xylophones
This are the songs they were practicing at school and also you can sing and listen with your child:
• Kindness - The Juicebox
• George Bizet – Overture
I recommend you to assist with your children at Studio Bell Museum!
Your children can learn about the development of the instruments, there is the oldest piano and first
microphone from Canada. There’s a piano player that makes a sample of the organs at 2pm.
Also there’s a section of the museum where you can play the instruments and have a joyful afternoon.
Here is the link of Studio Bell:


Music TeacherMs Slim


Un, deux et trois…. Les numéros
The month of October was a very busy one for our “Petits Français”. During the whole month, we have been studying numbers, as well as reviewing colours. To learn numbers we have been using a variety of materials that engage the children and captivate them. I have tried to use different materials to keep everything new and interesting for them. We have done activities such as counter cards and counters; we have built number towers; we played a number fishing game and we did an ice cream scoop counting activity. Learning the numbers goes beyond just memorizing words. The point is for the children to understand the numbers and recognize their symbols and associate it with the correct word. This is emphasized in the classes. As we move into November (and for the rest of the year), we will continue to review the numbers to keep it fresh in everyone’s minds.
Les numéros – The number song


Hola y Adios

The beginning of the year is a great time to start
learning some greetings hola, buenos días,
buenas tardes y adios are some basic ones that
are going to be part of our routine during the year.

Part of our routine is also the manage of the calendar; with this  we are learning days and months but also this tools is helping us to work on the first theme, numbers, this is a long term topic because is going to be growing by the time the children manage it; the short term goal is going to be counting until 10, which we made it using counters, but with kindergarten students we will finishing counting until 100 at the end of the year.

Here are some videos for those that want to add some songs to the repertory and support what your child is learning.

https://youtu.be/v7mm8MC1MgY - Days of the week

https://youtu.be/IKznbHvPFwc - Months of the year

https://youtu.be/s-dI__vt4O8 - Numbers 1-10


Señora Romero

Monday 18 November 2019


 Bonjour à tous! Hello everyone!
As you know, I am the new French teacher at MCHA, Mademoiselle Vargas. I only started classes with the children in the last weeks of September, but I have to say that I loved and really enjoyed getting to know them all and working with them. I am very excited for the upcoming year!
In the first few classes that I have had with the children, I have been trying to set the routine for French class. Every class, we will always start off by greeting each other politely and properly in French. So far we have learned “Bonjour” (Hello) and “Au Revoir” (Goodbye) and we will soon be moving on to “Comment ça va?” (How are you?) and the appropriate responses. As well, in the beginning of class we will always go over our “Calendrier” (calendar) to practice “Les jours de la semaine” (The days of the week), “Les mois de l’année” (The months of the year), “les saisons” (The seasons) and “Les numéros” (The numbers).
The first big subject that is being taught is “Les couleurs” (The colours). In accordance with the Montessori methodology, we started with “Les couleurs primaires” (The primary colours): Jaune (Yellow), Bleu (Blue) and Rouge (Red). We added “Les couleurs secondaires” (The secondary colors): Vert (Green), Rose (Pink), Orange (Orange) and  Violet (Purple). The kindergarten class went further and learned: Brun /Marron (Brown), Noir (Black), Blanc (White), and Gris (Grey). To learn the colours we have been using a variety of materials in class as well as doing different activities. For example, we have been using posters and colour cards to learn the names and see the word written in French. We have being using colorful Lego in engaging activities such as “Match the Lego”, “What color is missing?” and “Show me an object that is…” games. As well, as a fun activity at the end of our lesson, the children, as a group, have gotten the chance to build a tower with the Lego. In this activity, each child gets the opportunity to add Lego to the tower after I ask them to specifically grab a colour, to say it and then to add it. We had a ton of fun playing around with colours. Our next big topic for the month of October will be “Les Numéros” (The numbers). I am very excited!

·      Bonjour: https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/bonjour/10161?q=bonjour#10045 (Please use this dictionary link to hear the correct pronunciation. Click on the red speaker button to hear.)
·      Les jours de la semaine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lpwf5N0rfVE
o   Lundi (Monday),
o   Mardi (Tuesday),
o   Mercredi (Wednesday),
o   Jeudi (Thursday),
o   Vendredi (Friday),
o   Samedi (Saturday)
o   Dimanche (Sunday)
·      The colours mentioned above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acvUtipaC5Y&t=41s


September was a busy month, some few weeks to settle down and get it to the routines but after all gym class start running in a really good way; the main goal for the month was to improve children hand eye coordination and golf was our sport activity to get it.

The routine in P.E class begins with basic movements to warm up, like balance activities, a lot of movement to get fit and stretching to be ready for the main activity. 

This time the use of an element like  the club was important to work on coordinative movements but at the same time on rules for the classroom, like how to manage space and respect turns, how to be careful with their friends and with the materials.

This main theme is going to keep growing with the children during the year with different materials and are activities according to the progress and needs of the groups.

Finally this is my advise: looking forward for the cold weather and the activities for winter time, could be a really good idea to have a fun fit family time doing yoga at home.